The HOA maintains common areas for the use of all its members. The Park near the entrance of the neighborhood boarders West Lake and is a beautiful green space to be enjoyed. A quiet place to sit and look out over the lake where you can watch the ducks or the sunset. The park is illuminated at night with ultra energy efficient LEDs, that still offer a warm candle lit tone for great ambiance.
The neighborhood additionally offers a private dock that extends out into West Lake. Newly rebuilt in 2014, it includes built in benches making it a great place to fish or just sit and watch the wildlife. Access the dock via Flume Ct, the path is to the right as you enter, and follow the wooden posts out to the field. No lights out here, and the dock closes at sundown, so best head in when twilight hits. We also host social gatherings down by the dock, so keep tabs on this site for information on upcoming events.
If you’ve just moved in or need a refresher, read our our Bylaws and Covenants, along with any rules that have been passed by the board. If you have any questions, feel free to Contact Us or reach out to any of the Board Members, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.
Home Renovations
If you’re planning to make improvements to your home, you’ll want to head over to Architecture Change Control where you’ll find the necessary forms to fill out. Don’t worry, we try to make this as easy as we can, and everything is explained in plane English.
New owners can check out the Utilities page for information on getting your services connected. Energy, water, waste even your entertainment options is all detailed there. Handy for existing owners too as common contact and support information is nice and consolidating, saving you from having to dig around the company or municipal website.
Parents will find all the zoned school options are detailed on the under Schools. Seminole is a great county for schools, and Hidden Oak Estates is zoned for some of the best.
City Issue Reporting and Information
Hopefully you won’t need to, but if you find an issue that you need to Report to the City, storm drain issues, graffiti, noise complaints, we offer some quick links to do so. There’s also a Citizen Knowledge Base provided by the City of Longwood which can be useful.
The HOA holds regular Meetings, and we hope you’ll join us and provide us with your input on improvements or suggestions. We also have a few committee chair positions open if you are able to lend your talents to the neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated.
Code Compliance
If you need to look up a City code in Longwood: Here is the link to the complete list and newest updates.
To file a code complaint here is the link to file online or contact the current code compliance officer: