While Longwood is not in the direct current projected path of the storm, heavy rains and wind are still expected. Sandbag Operations provided by the City of Longwood will be offered from Tuesday, August 30th, extending through Friday, September 2nd. Longwood Residents will be able to receive up to 10 sandbags. Sand will be provided to fill the bags, however residents will need to bring their own shovel and photo ID.
Where: Public Works Facility
(Located behind the Acme Comic Book Store)
907 East State Road 434
Longwood, 32750
Days: Tuesday, 8/30 until Friday, 9/2
Times: 8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. (Weather Pending)
For questions, please contact the City of Longwood Public Works Division at:
407-263-2382 extension 2.